About the School

We are one of the best business schools in Ghana

The history of the UDS School of Business dates back a couple of decades ago when UDS established the Department of Business Studies in its then-Wa Campus. This later led to the establishment of the Faculty of Education, Law and Business (FELBS). The UDS School of Business is committed to creating top-tier human resources and capacities to address domestic and international development concerns. It does this through providing high-quality teaching, learning opportunities, research, and knowledge sharing.

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Programmes Offered by the School

The School offers various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The postgraduate programmes include regular (full-time) masters (MPhil), weekend masters (MBA), sandwich masters (MSc) and PhD (full-time).

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Our Vision

To be a top-tier student-centric business school that produces world-class leaders


“To provide top-notch business and management education and cutting-edge research to fulfil national and international development demands” through, Strategic Innovation, Low-fee leadership, Targeting a Niche Market,Student-Centredness

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Supporting Unit

The School has seven (7) supporting units which play critical and diverse roles.

These are the Graduate Programmes Unit, Industrial Attachment Unit, Quality Assurance Unit, Third Trimester Field Practical Programmes Unit, Research Unit, Distance Programmes Unit and the Examinations Unit. We also have the Centre for Corporate Support and Business Training- a self-sustaining centre that provides business and entrepreneurial support through consultancies, workshops and seminars.

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