Master of Public Administration

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Master of Public Administration

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) is a graduate degree program that focuses on preparing individuals for leadership and management roles in the public sector, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and international institutions. The programme involves:

Public Policy Analysis: MPA programs often include coursework on public policy analysis, where students learn to evaluate policy alternatives, assess their impacts, and make recommendations for policy development and implementation.

Public Sector Management: The program covers principles of public sector management, including organizational behavior, human resource management, budgeting and finance, strategic planning, and performance management. Students learn how to effectively lead and manage public sector organizations and programs.

Public Finance and Budgeting: Emphasis is placed on understanding public finance principles, budgeting processes, revenue generation, and fiscal management in government organizations. Students learn how to develop and manage budgets, allocate resources, and ensure financial accountability.

Policy Implementation and Evaluation: MPA programs address the challenges of policy implementation and evaluation in the public sector. Students learn about implementation strategies, monitoring and evaluation methods, and performance measurement frameworks to assess policy outcomes and effectiveness.

Public Sector Ethics and Governance: Courses explore ethical considerations, transparency, accountability, and governance principles in the public sector. Students learn about ethical decision-making, integrity management, and the role of public sector institutions in promoting good governance.

Public Administration Law: The program includes coursework on public administration law, constitutional principles, administrative procedures, and legal frameworks governing public sector operations. Students gain an understanding of the legal environment in which public administrators operate.

Capstone Project: The MPA program incorporates capstone projects where students apply their knowledge and skills in real-world settings. A critical component is a Business and Networking Bootcamp, which brings together our students and some industry players for network building and fostering partnerships and collaborations between our students, entrepreneurs and businesses. These opportunities provide valuable hands-on experience and may lead to networking and employment opportunities post-graduation.

Overall, the MPA prepares graduates for a wide range of careers in public service, government administration, policy analysis, advocacy, and non-profit management. Graduates are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to address complex societal challenges, promote social equity, and contribute to the public good.

Admission Requirements:

Candidates for admission into the MBA programme must satisfy the following requirements:

  • A good first degree (at least Second Class Lower) in Commerce, Marketing, Procurement, Accounting, Economics, Finance, Mathematics, Statistics, or any other related degree from a recognised University.
  • A good first degree in an area unrelated to business studies from a recognised university with at least 2 years of working experience in a business
  • Candidates shall be interviewed or be required to take an entrance examination.
  • Foreign applicants will be assessed based on GTEC’s evaluation of their qualifications.

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Programme information 2024

  • Modes of study Regular/Weekend
  • Duration 2 Years
  • Location City Campus
  • Study Options Hybrid Lectures
  • Start dates Regular (September), Weekend (May)

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