Diploma in Business Administration

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Diploma in Business Administration

A Diploma in Business Administration is a program of study that provides students with foundational knowledge and skills in the field of business. The programme typically covers a wide range of subjects related to business, including finance, accounting, marketing, management, and operations. The Diploma in Business Administration curriculum is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of the principles and practices underpinning modern business operations. Our Diploma in Business Administration serves as a foundation for further study in business, such as pursuing a Bachelor's in a related field.


Admission Requirements

To be admitted to a Diploma programme, a candidate must satisfy the following minimum requirements:

  • Passes in all the core subjects i.e. Core English, Core Mathematics, Core Science/ Integrated Science, Core Social Studies and any two electives at a minimum of grade E.

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Programme information 2024

  • Modes of study Regular
  • Duration 2 Years
  • Location City Campus
  • Study Options Face-to face
  • Start dates September

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