MBA Health Services Administration

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MBA Health Services Administration

The MBA in Health ServicesAdministration is a specialized graduate degree program that combines business management principles with healthcare industry expertise. It's designed to prepare individuals for leadership roles in healthcare organizations, including hospitals, clinics, healthcare consulting firms, insurance companies, and government agencies.

Below is a brief overview of what this program entails:

Healthcare Industry Knowledge: Students gain a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare industry, including its structure, regulations, policies, and challenges. They learn about healthcare delivery systems, reimbursement models, healthcare economics, and emerging trends in the field.

Business Fundamentals: The program covers core business disciplines such as finance, accounting, marketing, operations management, and strategic management. Students develop essential business skills necessary for effective leadership in healthcare organizations.

Healthcare Management and Leadership: Courses focus on healthcare management principles, leadership theories, organizational behavior, and human resource management. Students learn how to lead teams, manage resources, and implement strategic initiatives to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes.

Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety: Emphasis is placed on healthcare quality improvement, patient safety initiatives, and regulatory compliance. Students learn about quality management frameworks, performance measurement, and risk management strategies to enhance patient care and satisfaction.

Healthcare Information Technology: With the increasing adoption of digital health technologies, students explore the role of healthcare IT systems, electronic health records (EHR), telemedicine, and health informatics in improving healthcare efficiency and patient outcomes.

Health Policy and Advocacy: Courses cover healthcare policy development, health law, ethics, and advocacy. Students analyze healthcare policy issues, understand the legislative process, and advocate for policies that promote equitable access to healthcare services.

Healthcare Finance and Economics: The program includes coursework on healthcare finance, budgeting, reimbursement models, and financial management strategies specific to the healthcare industry. Students learn to analyze financial statements, manage healthcare costs, and optimize revenue streams.

Healthcare Marketing and Strategy: Students study marketing principles tailored to the healthcare context, including branding, market analysis, and strategic planning. They learn to develop marketing strategies to attract patients, engage stakeholders, and differentiate healthcare services.

Capstone Projects: The MBA in Health Services Administration program incorporates capstone projects where students apply their knowledge and skills in real-world settings. A critical component is a Business and Networking Bootcamp, which brings together our students and some industry players for network building and fostering partnerships and collaborations between our students, entrepreneurs and businesses. These opportunities provide valuable hands-on experience and may lead to networking and employment opportunities post-graduation.

Overall, an MBA in Health Administration prepares graduates for leadership roles in healthcare management, healthcare consulting, policy analysis, and healthcare entrepreneurship. Graduates are equipped to address complex challenges in healthcare delivery, improve organizational performance, and drive innovation in the rapidly evolving healthcare industry.

Admission Requirements:

Candidates for admission into the MBA programme must satisfy the following requirements:

  • A good first degree (at least Second Class Lower) in Commerce, Marketing, Procurement, Accounting, Economics, Finance, Mathematics, Statistics, or any other related degree from a recognised University.
  • A good first degree in an area unrelated to business studies from a recognised university with at least 2 years of working experience in a business
  • Candidates shall be interviewed or be required to take an entrance examination.
  • Foreign applicants will be assessed based on GTEC’s evaluation of their qualifications.

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Programme information 2024

  • Modes of study Regular/Weekend
  • Duration 2 Years
  • Location City Campus
  • Study Options Hybrid Lectures
  • Start dates Regular (September), Weekend (May)

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