MBA Finance

MBA Finance

Our MBA in Finance is a specialized graduate degree program that focuses on advanced financial management, investment analysis, and strategic decision-making within organizations. This program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in various finance-related roles, including corporate finance, investment banking, asset management, and financial consulting.

Key components of an MBA in Finance program include:

Core Business Foundation: Students build a solid foundation in core business disciplines such as accounting, economics, marketing, operations, and management. This provides a comprehensive understanding of business principles and practices essential for financial decision-making.

Financial Management: The program delves into advanced financial management concepts, including capital budgeting, risk management, working capital management, and corporate governance. Students learn to optimize financial resources, manage cash flows, and maximize shareholder value.

Investment Analysis: Courses in investment analysis cover topics such as portfolio management, securities analysis, valuation techniques, and risk assessment. Students learn to evaluate investment opportunities, analyze financial markets, and construct diversified investment portfolios.

Financial Markets and Institutions: The program explores the structure and functioning of financial markets, including equity markets, bond markets, derivatives markets, and foreign exchange markets. Students gain insights into market dynamics, regulatory frameworks, and the role of financial institutions.

Corporate Finance: Students learn about corporate financial strategies, capital structure decisions, dividend policy, and mergers and acquisitions. Courses may also cover topics such as corporate restructuring, leveraged buyouts, and initial public offerings (IPOs).

Quantitative Methods and Financial Modeling: The program emphasizes quantitative methods and financial modeling techniques used in finance decision-making. Students learn to analyze financial data, perform statistical analysis, and develop financial models to support investment and risk management decisions.

International Finance: Given the global nature of financial markets, programs often include coursework on international finance, covering topics such as exchange rate risk management, international capital flows, and global investment strategies. Students gain insights into the opportunities and challenges of conducting business in international markets.

Capstone Project: The MBA in Finance program incorporates capstone projects where students apply their knowledge and skills in real-world settings. A critical component is a Business and Networking Bootcamp, which brings together our students and some industry players for network building and fostering partnerships and collaborations between our students, entrepreneurs and businesses. These opportunities provide valuable hands-on experience and may lead to networking and employment opportunities post-graduation.

Overall, an MBA in Finance prepares students for diverse career paths in finance, investment banking, corporate finance, asset management, financial consulting, and related fields. Graduates are equipped to pursue roles such as financial analyst, investment banker, portfolio manager, risk manager, CFO, or financial consultant, among others, in various industries and organizations.

Admission Requirements:

Candidates for admission into the MBA programme must satisfy the following requirements:

  • A good first degree (at least Second Class Lower) in Commerce, Marketing, Procurement, Accounting, Economics, Finance, Mathematics, Statistics, or any other related degree from a recognised University.
  • A good first degree in an area unrelated to business studies from a recognised university with at least 2 years of working experience in a business
  • Candidates shall be interviewed or be required to take an entrance examination.
  • Foreign applicants will be assessed based on GTEC’s evaluation of their qualifications.

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Programme information 2024

  • Modes of study Regular/Weekend
  • Duration 2 Years
  • Location City Campus
  • Study Options Hybrid Lectures
  • Start dates Regular (September), Weekend (May)

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